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Secure, Collaborative Data Access and Analysis

DNAnexus enables collaborative, GxP-compliant research with purpose-built trusted research environments.

A Comprehensive and Interoperable Precision Health Data Platform

DNAnexus empowers data stewards with a cloud-native trusted research environment (TRE) that streamlines data integration, enables secure collaboration, and delivers IT-ready, turn-key GxP compliance, all while ensuring interoperability with existing systems.


The Trusted Research Environment: A Gateway to Secure Collaboration

A Comprehensive and Interoperable Solution

  • Genomics Data-Black
  • Efficiently ingest and harmonize clinico-omics data from various sources.

  • Leverage advanced data integration techniques such as data mapping, standardization, and normalization to streamline the integration process, ensuring high data quality and consistency.
  • Genomics Analysis-Black
  • User-Friendly Interface

  • Enable data stakeholders of varying roles and technical backgrounds to leverage the platform through interactive dashboards, customizable visualizations, and user-friendly workflows.
  • Security-2-Black
  • Secure Collaborative Workspaces

  • Meet the highest standards for data security and regulatory compliance with robust encryption, configurable access controls, full audit trails, and data provenance.

    Rigorously adhere to industry regulations such as GxP compliance, HIPAA, GDPR, and 21 CFR Part 11.

  • Population grade-2-Black
  • Interoperability

  • Enable seamless integration and data exchange with existing organization software, including electronic lab notebook (ELN) systems, LIMS, or clinical data management software.

Experience the power

Trusted Research Environments with DNAnexus

Enabling Collaborative Research with a DNAnexus Trusted Research Environment.

Purpose-Built Trusted Research Environments: Facilitating Precision Health Breakthroughs in Biopharma

DNAnexus Security & Compliance

Learn why the FDA, top pharmaceutical companies, global diagnostic test providers, genome centers and sequencing service providers have trusted DNAnexus to support their global genomics programs.
Myriad and DNAnexus

Precision Medicine Requires Scalable Data Sharing, Data Protection

Myriad Genetics’ Precise Treatment Registry offers the data access and safeguards needed to spur clinical innovation.  Learn how Myriad and DNAnexus are working together to enable faster time-to-insight for researchers.

“Data is the key to gaining more understanding. We realized that our data could provide significant benefits to our customers, partners, and to the field in general, if delivered in a safe, usable manner.” 
— Thomas P. Slavin, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer at Myriad Genetics

TRE page graphics


Purpose-Built Trusted Research Environments: Facilitating Precision Health Breakthroughs in Biopharma

Interested in adopting a trusted research environment for your data? DNAnexus can help.

DNAnexus empowers data stewards with a cloud-native trusted research environment (TRE) that streamlines data integration, enables secure collaboration, and delivers IT-ready, turn-key GxP compliance, all while ensuring interoperability with existing systems.