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Accelerate Analysis

DNAnexus lets you choose from a comprehensive library of
bioinformatics tools or build and deploy your own.

Expansive Analysis, Easy Access

Get a head start on analysis using our extensive tools library covering multiple data types and precision health applications. Or, create your own tools and keep them stored for future use.

tools-library tools-library tools-library
  • Analysis Tools & Workflows
  • Cohort Analysis & Visualization
  • Data Science & Machine Learning

Analysis Tools & Workflows

Analysis Tools & Workflows

All the bioinformatics tools you need, right at your fingertips

Start unlocking analysis possibilities quickly, with no need to build tools or workflows from scratch or create new code. DNAnexus comes out-of-the-box with everything you need.

  • tools and workflows

    Comprehensive and Continuously Evolving Tools

    Choose from a wide range of up-to-date tools to automate and accelerate data processing and analysis
  • tools and workflows

    Multiple Workflow Language Support

    Create custom analysis pipelines in WDL and Nextflow workflow languages, or integrate your own tools with Docker to standardize and deploy new methods
  • tools and workflows

    Custom App Enablement

    Develop and deploy your own custom analysis applications or tap into the DNAnexus professional services team to create custom analysis applications for your organization

Cohort Analysis & Visualization

Cohort Analysis & Visualization

Robust analysis tools for precision health data

Easily build and explore complex datasets using a powerful cohort browser and your choice of out-of-the-box or custom data visualizations

  • Cohort Analysis & Visualization

    Powerful Cohort Browser

    Quickly build hypotheses with an easy to use visual tool to create cohort populations. Easily add new data, select subsets, and filter for further analysis and sharing with other users.
  • Cohort Analysis & Visualization

    Custom Visualizations

    Build your own custom visualizations and share them throughout the enterprise using RStudio, JupyterLabs, and other tools
  • Cohort Analysis & Visualization

    Integrated Third-Party Tools

    Use Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio and partners such as BigOmics© and others for specialized visualizations

Data Science & Machine Learning

Data Science & Machine Learning

Create and deploy artificial intelligence (AI) solutions

Power data science and deploy machine learning (ML) solutions using JupyterLab, R, common ML frameworks, and more. 

  • Data Science & AI

    Build and Distribute ML Models

    Build and deploy ML tools for your organization or share them with external collaborators using ML frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and more. 
  • Data Science & AI

    Leverage Clinicogenomics

    Use clinicogenomics datasets and ML to stratify patient populations for treatment
  • Data Science & AI

    Create Predictive Algorithms

    Leverage imaging, phenotypic and omics data to create predictive algorithms for applications such as patient stratification, or development of risk scores

We can help you achieve your goals

Accelerating Precision Health Data Analysis

DNAnexus is an important partner helping us navigate the complexities of integrating genotype and phenotype data to deliver improved insights to our leading R&D teams.

Jeffrey Reid VP, Chief Data Officer, Regeneron Genetics Center

Partnering with the world's leading biomedical organizations


Let's work together.